Although the mummy had some powerful racial features, its heavy downsides made the race frustrating to play. In most party compositions, the mummy's inability to be healed outweighed all of the perks given by the race, and made it far to easy for them to be killed, since a healing word couldn't bring them up from 0. So now the race can be healed (at half effectiveness). The damage of rotting fit was also improved to make using them a more viable option. Since enhanced unarmed strikes primarily effect monk builds, and mummy's ability score increases aren't good for monks, there isn't any problem with increasing this damage die. |
Rotting Fist: Undead: |
Detect Balance AnalysisAbility Score Increase: +12 - standard ASISpeed: -2 - only 25 speed Darkvision: +3 - standard 60 ft. darkvision Dreadful Glare: +3 - slightly weaker cause fear on a short rest cooldown Rotting Fist: +3 - 1d6 natural weapon (+2) with necrotic damage type (+1) Undead: +9 - vulnerable to anti-undead features (-1), halved healing from most spells (-4), immune to disease (+2), anti-poison (+5), no breathing (+4), no eating/drinking (+1), trance (+2) Notes: This gives a final Detect Balance score of 28, making it similar in strength to elves and dwarves. A lot of the power from being undead is situational, however, with many campaigns deriving little to no benefit from them being immune to disease and not needing to breathe or eat. |
The wight had the same problems as the mummy, so it received the same change to undead. |
Undead: |
Detect Balance AnalysisAbility Score Increase: +12 - standard ASIDarkvision: +3 - standard 60 ft. darkvision Drain Life: +6 - having a zombie minion is slightly more powerful than a 2nd level spell 1/day Sunlight Sensivity: -3 Undead: +9 - vulnerable to anti-undead features (-1), halved healing from most spells (-4), immune to disease (+2), anti-poison (+5), no breathing (+4), no eating/drinking (+1), trance (+2) Notes: This gives a final Detect Balance score of 27, again similar in power to elves. |
The shadar-kai was more balanced than the undead races, but could still use a small power boost, and also more flavorful ribbon features. |
Ability Score Increase: Now allows either Intelligence or Charisma to be taken as the secondary increase, instead of only Intelligence. [NEW] Cold of Heart: Cold climate survival ribbon. [NEW] Fatespinner: Reroll a death save 1/long rest. |
Detect Balance AnalysisAbility Score Increase: +12 - almost standard ASI, choice between only two, like having subracesDarkvision: +4 - 120 ft. darkvision Cold of Heart: +1 - ignore penalties of extreme cold environment. Doomspeaker: +2 - skill proficiency Fatespinner: +2 - reroll death save once/long rest Shadow Jaunt: +6 - half-distance misty step available without an explicit cooldown, but often not at the right time, since misty step is often used to disengage, and you dont need to disengage from a dead enemy. Notes: This gives a final Detect Balance score of 27, again similar in power to elves. |
Path of Blood
Many readers were disappointed by the original Path of Blood, so it has been reworked significantly. The original Path of Blood was mechanically a worse zealot, offering damage with a downside too steep for its payoff. The new Path of Blood is still meant to be a barbarian that sacrifices tankiness for damage, but now it does so while offering area damage, rather than single target damage, and it also allows the player greater control over when they want to use their features. With the increased power of the 3rd level feature, the 6th and 10th level features have been changed to both be non-combat features, solidifying the subclass' role as a tracker. Lastly, the 14th level feature has been changed to something more interesting, with more player interaction. |
3rd -
Damage: |
6th -
Level: |
10th - Sanguine Visions [NEW] |
14th - Path of Destruction [NEW]Balance Notes: This feature is most comparable to the Path of the Berserker's Retaliation. While that feature only provides a reaction attack, accessing that reaction attack is far easier, and it should be expected to happen every turn, and can trigger even outside of rage. While path of destruction has a far stronger effect: anti-OA movement, a reaction attack, and spending a hit die - it shouldn't be expected to happen every turn outside of horde scenarios. |
College of the Shadowfell
The College of the Shadowfell's 3rd level feature, Shadow Stride, was almost completely outclassed by the College of Glamour's Mantle of Inspiration (MoI). Its only bonus was a 17.5 foot avg speed bonus at 3rd level, increasing to a 32.5 avg speed bonus at 15th level, and that bonus could only be used in dim light or darkness. Compared to MoI's disengage + full speed movement for up to 5 allies + 5-14 temporary hit points for each target, Shadow Stride did comparatively little, with its only upside being that it didn't use up a reaction and activated on the target's turn. Shadow Stride is still weaker than MoI, but now its speed bonus in dim light and darkness is actually significant enough to be useful. Also, Shroud of Darkness was changed to give a bonus to both the bard and the user of bardic inspiration, granting this bard more defensive capabilities and therefore allowing it to better make use of the weapon proficiencies granted at 3rd level. The disadvantage granted by this feature was too consistent (5 full turns of disadvantage per short rest), however, so it was changed to only provide disadvantage to the first attack made against a target. |
3rd - Shadow Stride[REMOVED] Activation Limitation: Shadow Stride no longer requires its user to be in dim light or darkness to be activated.[NEW] Secondary Bonus: Causes its user to move twice as fast in dim light or darkness, essentially treating them as reverse difficult terrain for the duration. Wording: |
6th - Shroud of Darkness[REMOVED] Secondary Bonus: Shroud of Darkness no longer grants its user the ability to disengage or hide as a bonus action.[NEW] Twinned: Grants its effect to both the bard and the user of bardic inspiration, rather than just the user. Duration: Now only provides disadvantage to a single attack against each shrouded creature. |
Blood Domain [NEW]
Night Domain
The Night Domain was balanced for the most part, and didn't need too many changes. The domain spell and Lunar Radiance changes are just bugfixes, essentially, and moonlight strike was just given a slow so it would have a more general purpose use, rather than only its niche usage. |
Domain Spells1st level:aura of shade used to be a 1st level spell, I changed it to a 2nd level spell a while back without updating this |
1st - Lunar Radiance[NEW] Multiclass Abuse Protection: Can now only be used once per turn, to prevent unloading all uses in 1-2 turns with extra attack multiclassing. |
6th - Moonlight Strike[NEW] Slow: Now causes the affected target to have their speed reduced by 10 feet for the duration. |
Circle of Twilight
The Circle of Twilight had a few core issues with the usability of its features, and particularly lacked any in-combat capabilities. While the subclass' core feature, ritual sacrifice, was mostly fine (it only recieved quality of life improvements), both its in-combat features and higher level features were underpowered. The subclass now gains its first true in-combat feature in Life from Death. Also, Soulseeing wasn't very useful - its usage was so limited that you would need to know that something is hiding from you for you to know to use the feature, and it wasn't any good in combat. Now it still isn't good in combat, but it is more forgiving. Ritualist also wasn't very useful - its first feature is just a ribbon, and its second feature didn't really address any problems that one would have at that level of play. The new ritual sacrifice improvement should allow for some interesting playstyles and solidify this druid as a utility focused one that always has something up its sleeve, while also providing some more much needed combat capability. |
2nd - Ritual SacrificeTime Limit:Clarification: The feature now explicitly states that gentle repose can be used to extend the time limit, rather than leaving that to DM interpretation. Balance Notes: While this feature may look powerful at first glance, there really aren't that many good rituals that this feature gives access to. While the feature is probably better than the ritual caster feat, that feat isn't particularly high-tier and has anti-synergy with druid (considering druid is good at ritual casting already). |
2nd - Life from Death [NEW]Balance Notes: Due to the way healing is balanced in 5e, this feature isn't as powerful as it looks. In 5e, it is almost always best to heal a creature as soon as they drop to 0, and never heal before then. While life from death provides ranged healing at the power level of cure wounds without using a full action, the fact that it can only be used when another creature is reduced to 0 makes it far less reliable than Healing Word - in fact, in many situations the healing will become available when it simply isn't needed. One advantage this has over healing word is the fact that it can be used during wild shape, but Circle of Twilight doesn't have a particularly powerful wild shape to begin with. |
10th - SoulseeingUses:Dead Creature Time Limit: [NEW] Extended Usage: The sight can now be extended to last up to 10 minutes if the druid uses their action each turn. |
14th - Ritualist[REMOVED] Ritual Sacrifice Improvement: Ritual Sacrifice is no longer buffed to allow multiple spellcasts per body, and usage of lower CR bodies.[NEW] Ritual Sacrifice Improvement 2 - Electric Boogaloo: Ritual Sacrifice is now buffed to allow certain low-level non-rituals to be cast as rituals Below is a list of official spells that the new ritualist feature can use. While it provides a lot of utility, none of the spells should be too strong for this level. Be careful combining this feature with other homebrew spell supplements, however.
animal friendship
armor of agathys charm person detect evil and good disguise self expeditious retreat false life fog cloud hex hunter's mark longstrider mage armor protection from evil and good shield of faith silent image snare aid alter self arcane lock barkskin continual flame cordon of arrows darkness darkvision enhance ability flame blade invisibility levitate locate object magic weapon mind spike nystul's magic aura pass without trace protection from poison rope trick see invisibility spider climb spike growth suggestion warding bond web zone of truth |
Blood Knight
When I initially released blood knight, a lot of people thought the class was unsatisfying to play, as it got very few spells known and spell slots. To fix this, I improved slot progression, and with this update I am increasing their number of spells known. However, in fixing unsatisfying features, I made the subclass too powerful. To remedy this, I limited spell slot regeneration (now the spellcasting is mostly long-rest based, with the ability to regain a single spell slot on a short rest) and changed blood die progression. |
3rd - Blood WellSpell Slot Regeneration:Initial # of Blood Dice: Blood Die Progression: |
3rd - HemomancySpells Known: |
Way of the Bloodied Fist
Just a few small buffs to the subclass. The damage spell, bloodburn, was removed from the 3rd level feature and replaced with a more utility based spell, blackblood, so the spell remains relevant later on, when a 2nd level pure damage spell would be outdamaged by simply taking the attack action w/ flurry of blows. The "below half of your hit point maximum" requirement was removed from Transfusion, as it was unnecessarily limiting. Dominion of Blood had its duration increased to make it more viable outside of combat, but was changed to use concentration to make it less reliable in combat. |
3rd - Sanguine ArtsSpells: |
10th - Transfusion[REMOVED] Healing Requirement: Transfusion now always applies its healing, rather than only when you are below half your hit point maximum. |
14th - Dominion of Blood[NEW] Concentration: Now requires concentration[NEW] Range: Now has a specified range Time Limit: |
Oath of the Grave
The Oath of the Grave has received some small changes, particularly to its channel divinities. It has received a small buff to its first channel divinity, and a more significant change to its second, reducing its power for single target damage but opening up more opportunities for multiple targets and utility. It has also received a change to its capstone that should make the ability less easy to abuse. |
3rd - Icy Repose[NEW] Damage: Now deals cold damage to creatures that fail the save.Notes: Since other equivalent paladin channel divinities target multiple creature types, this one can have slightly more power behind it since it solely targets undead. |
3rd -
[NEW] On-hit effect: Now causes targets hit to be unable to heal, in addition to preventing them from becoming undead. |
15th - Soul of Demise[NEW] Slow: Marked creatures are now slowed, decreasing their speed by 10 feet.[NEW] Duration Increase: Increases the duration of restbringer to 10 minutes. Wording: Updated to reflect the change from vow of death to restbringer. |
20th - Reaper of WinterHealth Regain:Notes: Regaining hit points on kill can be problematic when there are a large number of enemies. Since temporary hit points don't stack, there is less possibility of huge healing, but the additional benefit of being able to gain temporary hit points while at full hit points. |
Nightstalker had a few minor usability issues, as well as an overly complex 3rd level feature. While the 3rd level feature is still quite similar, it was split into two features, and the pseudo-spells of the old version were replaced with actual spells. Now the familiar's attacks can be used to proc Hunter's Mark and other features, circumventing some of the anti-synergy that this subclass used to have with the way ranger plays. As the spell-like features were removed, the 7th level feature was changed to activate off of spells instead. Lastly, the 15th level feature was changed to another reaction attack and sentinel-esque ability, improving the subclass' battlefield control. |
3rd - Shadow Familiar[REMOVED] Pseudo-Spells: Shadow familiars no longer have spell-slot activated abilitiesWording: Movement: [NEW] Empowered Attacks: A familiar's attacks benefit from any spells or features that activate on a melee weapon attack, such as Hunter's Mark, Zephyr Strike, or Ensnaring Strike, but not on features that require an actual weapon, like fighting styles. Cat: Notes: The change to the cat is to make it less easy to grant yourself permanent advantage, which can be abused with the familiar's new capability to benefit from spells and class features, and solidify this choice of familiar as a more supportive one. |
3rd - Nightstalker Magic [NEW] |
7th - Shadowy TranspositionActivation Requirement: |
15th - Midnight Bulwark [NEW] |
Shadow had a few major usability issues with its severed shadow feature, which made the feature difficult and unrewarding to use. Now that feature should be more impactful, as it can be used to constantly grant sneak attack, as long as the shadow doesn't take damage. While separating from your shadow had to be changed to take an action, so that this new use wouldn't be overpowered, the fact that moving the shadow takes no action should make up for this downside. Overall, the subclass should be somewhat more powerful, though it is also indirectly affected by the nerf to Umbraturgy. |
3rd - Severed Shadow[NEW] Sneak Attack Granting: It is now explicitly stated that the shadow can count as an ally for the purpose of granting sneak attack.Activation Times: Separating from your shadow now takes an action, rather than a bonus action. Moving your shadow takes no action, and teleporting to it still takes a bonus action. Separation Cooldown: Severing your shadow can now be done an unlimited number of times, only teleporting has a short rest/long rest cooldown. Wording: Some clarifications, including that the shadow makes saving throws, can trigger opportunity attacks, and that you can reunite with it without teleporting. |
Shadow Simulacrum/Master of ShadowsWording: Updated to reflect the changes to severed shadow, no direct changes. |
Deathtouched sorcerer used to be more powerful in the early levels, but then I made the invisibility feature take a minute to use, which severely nerfed the feature. Since the subclass had begun to lack a 1st-level feature that was useful in combat, I have added increased health to improve the power of its earlier levels, and I pushed the upgrade to the invisibility feature from 6th level to 3rd. The 14th level feature was nerfed, as it gave too much defensive power for its level - it should be used for going through walls, not just for quick and easy resistance. It was given a small amount of power back through a speed boost, however. |
1st -
[NEW] Health Increase: The feature now additionally increases your hit point maximum by 1 per level. |
6th - Shadowed Presence [REMOVED]Incorporated into Ghostly Body. |
18th - Incorporeal Figure[REMOVED] Resistances: The feature no longer grants resistances to most damage types.[NEW] Speed Boost: Now grants a 15 foot speed bonus. |
18th - PossessionWording: |
Vampiric Ancestry
The vampiric sorcerer has been changed to better fill its niche as a melee sorcerer, and to better fit its vampiric flavor. The previous iteration of this subclass couldn't function well as a melee combatant without multiclassing or feats, as it lacked the AC to survive in the front lines. Now, with armor proficiency the subclass should be able to hold its own, aided by the additional healing from its new bite feature. Vampiric regeneration was nerfed and the health increase was removed, to give more room for martial power increases, and to disincentivize players from picking the class just to benefit from these powerful defensive features while just playing like a normal backline sorcerer. Lastly, Unholy Thrall was added to make the subclass better fulfill the fantasy of a high level vampiric character. |
1st - Martial Prowess[REMOVED] Health Increase: The feature no longer increases your hit point maximum by 1 per level.[NEW] Armor Proficiency: Now grants proficiency in light and medium armor [NEW] Claws: Your charisma-based unarmed strikes now deal slashing damage, but cannot be used with a shield. [NEW] Die Progression: The die progression has now been incorporated into this feature, rather than being stated in the 6th level feature. The die also now progresses to a d10 at 14th level. [NEW] Magic Claws: Claw attacks counting as magical has now been incorporated into this feature, rather than the 6th level feature. |
6th - Vampiric RegenerationTemporary Hit Point Gain: |
6th -
[NEW] Bite: The second attack granted by this feature is now a bite, which deals piercing damage and can be empowered with sorcery points to heal. |
18th - Unholy Thrall [NEW] |
The Archlich
The Archlich had a somewhat strange kit, that I didn't feel truly encompassed the thematics of a lich. So I fully rebuilt the subclass to better fit the theme, with more features that emphasize capturing souls, and a phylactery-like feature. However, I tried to keep the emphasis on defensive features, like before, so that the playstyle of the class wouldn't change too much from before. |
1st - Soulkeeper [NEW]Balance Notes: If your first thought was "12 + Dex + Cha AC to a spellcaster? That lets you get 22 AC!" then let me explain. While the feature is powerful, concentration is a huge thing for every caster, and having to choose between this and Hex has to be a competitive decision, even moreso at higher levels when concentration becomes even more important. Also, at the earlier levels, where concentration is less important, this feature is far less powerful. Assuming point buy, this feature will grant 18 AC at level 1, the same amount as a Hexblade with scale mail and a shield. (and a hexblade has a whole other feature at level 1) |
6th - Phylactery Ring [NEW]Balance Notes: This feature might also look more powerful than it actually is. The revival is far from guaranteed - while it is expected that soulkeeper will be active most of the time, any time that you are in danger of being reduced to 0 hit points, you are making Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration, and even the damage that reduces you to 0 forces you to first make a concentration check to make sure your phylactery ring activates. |
10th - Undying Flesh[NEW] Con Save Proficiency: Now grants proficiency in Constitution saving throws |
14th - Souleater [NEW] |
Warlock Extras
The Pact of the Cloak has been completely revamped, as the old version was boring, not particularly strong, and didn't really fit into the thematics of Dark Arts. Sanguine Blade and Sanguine Spear were both swapped out, as they weren't particularly well designed. Mirror Blade fulfills a currently unfulfilled niche of the blade lock, two-weapon fighting, and Sanguine Seeker offers a more unique eldritch blast upgrade. |
Pact of the Cloak [NEW]Notes: The main part this feature is the object summoning, the armor part is moreso for flavor than mechanics. Since the pact itself doesn't grant proficiency in any armor types, it essentially just halves the weight of your armor (inconsequential in most games), or removes the disadvantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks if you have proficiency in other armor (less inconsequential, but still not too powerful). |
Mantle of the Everlasting[REMOVED] Level Prerequisite: This invocation can now be picked up right at 3rd level.[REMOVED] AC bonus: This invocation no longer grants a 10 + dex + cha AC, as that is too similar to Archlich's new feature. [NEW] Armor Proficiency: Now grants proficiency in medium and heavy armor, allowing your cloak to act as any armor. |
Mirror Blade [NEW] |
Sanguine Blade [REMOVED] |
[REMOVED] Splash Damage: No longer allows you to spend hit points to deal damage to a second target |
School of Reawakening
Only changes here are wording improvements |
2nd -
2nd - Reawaken SoulWording: Clarified the starting CR cap, and improved wording on the CR cap progression. |
School of Hemomancy
The School of Hemomancy was just a tad underpowered, and was often less synergistic with hemomancy spells than just the school of necromancy. To amend this, I gave the subclass the additional hit points needed to safely cast hemomancy spells, and later regeneration to further mitigate hemomancy costs. Also, Deepen Wound was changed to work with more than just spell attacks, since most hemomancy spells don't use spell attacks. To mitigate the increased power granted by this change, it can now only activate once per turn per creature. |
2nd - Arcane Endurance[NEW] Health Increase: The feature now additionally increases your hit point maximum by 2, then 1 per level.Temporary HP Duration: |
6th - Deepen Wound[NEW] All Spells: Now activates on all spells that deal damage, not just spell attacks that hit[NEW] Turn Limit: Now can only damage a creature once per turn |
14th - Dance with Death [NEW] |
Animate BloodCast Time:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Aura of ShadeRange: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Banshee's WailRange (typo fix): | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BlackbloodPoison Duration: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BloodburnSchool: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BloodcurseDamage: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bloodletting[REMOVED] Advantage: The spell no longer grants advantage to its roll if its target is below half health Balance Notes: This spell was probably too powerful, particularly at higher levels and against hordes, where the temporary hit point gain can be expected (and on a crit, that temporary hit point gain can be quite substantial). The advantage-granting wasn't needed to make this spell worth its hit point cost, which becomes increasingly meaningless at higher levels. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blood SealCast Time: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BloodsightHit Point Thresholds: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CrourwhipHigher Levels Effects: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Notes: The spell recieved no changes, it just needed to be renamed due to the existence of Danse Macabre in Xanathar's Guide to Everything (even though this spell was called that first).
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hemoplague[NEW] Higher Levels Effects: The spell now increases in damage when higher-level slots are used. Balance Notes: Why not. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inflict Pain[NEW] Higher Levels Effects: The spell now increases in damage when higher-level slots are used. Balance Notes: Why not. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LacerateWording: Now specifies that the bolts strike simultaneously Balance Notes: This wording update prevents some abuse, particularly it prevents cleric's potent spellcasting from activating twice with this spell. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Life ThreadDamage: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rain of BloodRadius: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shadow StrideCast Time: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sanguine RopeHigher Levels Effects: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sanguine Sanctum[NEW] Concentration: Now has a duration that requires concentration. Balance Notes: The spell's powerful defensive capabilities shouldn't be so easily paired with other offensive spells that can be concentrated on while within the sanctum. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tides of Blood[NEW] Creature Type Requirement: Bodies used cannot be constructs, elementals, or undead. Damage: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Umbraturgy[NEW] Hide in the Shadows: Now has the option of allowing two creatures in darkness to hide as a bonus action. [REMOVED] Stealth in the Dark: No longer has the option of granting advantage on a Dexterity (Stealth) check in darkness. Effect 1 Duration: |
say wouldn't undead all have their immunities such as exhaustion or poison.